So imagine this...
Your friend is hosting a music event. Different local artists are going to perform at this beautiful art studio. Sounds fun right? Exactly. So, you go to support. As per usual, with your sometimes introverted ways, you find yourself sitting in the back. Still able to enjoy the show, and also stay out of the way.
During breaks from the musical acts, your friend plays music from her iPhone to keep the energy and vibe going. This is a very normal thing, music in a public place. Right? But it's not so normal when what comes out of the speakers causes you to literally lose your breath and practically yell from across the room at said friend.
This is the story of the first time I heard a record from John Splithoff. I wasn't even 15 seconds into the record entitled "Sing To You" when I realized I was both mesmerized and impressed at the same time.
What was it? It was a million things. The voice, the honesty, the guitar riff, the melody, the sweet and sexy nature of the whole thing.
Lucky for me John released an EP, shortly after. Having to wait for more music would have been nothing short of torture.
In a sea of singer/songwriters (and don't get me wrong I LOVE that there's a sea of them) this guy stands out. He's like a bright red buoy in the middle of the ocean.
Normally I would share a recording, before a live performance. But this guy is so good... you have to see for yourself.
Check him out here performing live in New York at Bowery Ballroom.
As soon as his voice comes across the speakers you are just flying, soaring high above any of the concerns regular life has kept for you on the ground.
I wish I could give you more of a backstory on this amazing artist. The only info I have, is that he is New York based, which finding out now, as a recent LA resident after 8 LONG years in NYC, only breaks my heart a little bit. OK, A LOT.
I hope to interview this incredible artist one day. Until then. Please see below for a playlist of his recent work.
You can thank me later for this super sexy ear candy. Yep, I said it!
Peace and Love,